Ally Marly
General Studies
Ally Marly is attending Delaware Tech to turn her passion of health and fitness into a future career.
“I’ve always been into being fit and active and I know nutrition and knowing what you are eating is important,” Marly said. “I want to be able to study that and help people in that area.”
Marly chose to be a general studies major so she could take care of most of her core classes, especially science-based ones, and transfer to a four-year university with her associate degree in hand.
“I’ve always been interested in science more than anything,” she said. “I’ve really enjoyed chemistry, and I’m always excited to learn more about science.”
As a member of Delaware Tech’s softball team, Marly had to make the adjustment in her first semester of balancing her college course with being a student-athlete.
“I found it hard to balance school, work, and softball,” Marly said. “My grades slipped a little bit, but I found a good rhythm in the second semester, so it was a good learning experience.
“Being in college was kind of a reality check for me. I wanted to be an overachiever, so I utilized the resources and that really helped me get the grades I wanted. The teachers were great and helped me out a lot which made it really easy to learn because they were so awesome.”
Marly quickly turned around her grades, fast enough to earn all-academic honors from the Eastern Pennsylvania Athletic Conference. That honor is given to any full-time student-athlete who achieves a grade point average of 3.25 of greater.
While Marly has always dreamed of playing a collegiate sport, she wasn’t always as outgoing as she is today. Originally from Oregon, Marly moved to Delaware after her freshman year of high school.
“I had to force myself to make new friends and ask for help,” she said. “I started playing more sports to meet new people and that helped open me up.”
Attending Delaware Tech has not only allowed Marly to play softball and further her education, she was able to do both with spending very little money thanks to the SEED Scholarship. Once she graduates with her bachelor’s degree, she will have very little overall debt and get immediately focus on her main goal – helping others.